Climate Migration panel discussion incl. Zita Holbourne, Richard Black + others

Video of panel presentations from ‘Linking Climate Change with Migration’ public event 7th March 2016 at Kings College, which began with a screening of the film ‘Crossing Footprints’ by Kooj Chuhan.  The climate migration panel also included Andrew Baldwin and Alex Randall.  The video is approx 40 mins long:

There’s a great twitter feed from Platform of the discussion if you haven’t time to watch this but want a flavour of the points being made – see bottom of this post.

About the event and the climate migration panel:

The original publicity post about this event is available to view at .

On Mon 7th March 2016 a leading climate migration panel explored the connection between climate change and migration and the underlying issues such as whether and how migration should be made more visible across public and policy agendas on climate change. This followed a screening of Crossing Footprints, the film by Kooj Chuhan / Metaceptive projects + media, which shows how recent research linking climate change with migration has strengthened our understanding of this enormously, and how artists have begun to articulate this in human terms.

The event was hugely over-subscribed with a waiting list of 35 people, though there were spare seats on the day itself which suggests we should release quite a few more tickets than the venue capacity in future or possibly charge a small amount to ensure attendance.  Thanks to all who came, the speakers, the chair, and Fernando Mitjans for filming it.

The ‘Crossing Footprints’ film will be available to watch online soon, once it has been fully signed off after final proofing.

Full details of this event which was hosted by Kings College London are available to read  at .

Crossing Footprints film and climate migration panel 7th March 2016 at Kings CollegeThe climate migration panel discussion included speakers:

Richard Black, leading scholar at SOAS on migration in the context of climate change
Zita Holbourne, community, union and human rights activist, writer, artist and curator; co-founder of Black Activists Rising Against Cuts
Andrew Baldwin, chair of international Climate Change and Migration research network based at Durham University
Alex Randall, UK Climate Change and Migration Coalition
Kooj Chuhan, artist, filmmaker and curator of the ‘Footprint Modulation’ exhibition exploring climate migration and justice

+ Public launch and screening of the film ‘Crossing Footprints: Human Migration and the Environment’ by Kooj Chuhan / Metaceptive Media, about both the Human Migration and The Environment Conference and the Footprint Modulation art exhibition

Chaired by Dr Helen Adams, researcher on human interactions with environmental change at Kings College

Organised by Dr Andrew Baldwin and Kooj Chuhan in partnership with Metaceptive, UKCCMC, the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (Durham University) and the Centre for Integrated Research on Risk and Resilience (King’s College London), SOAS and BARAC.

Twitter feed from Platform about the event:

Platform ‏@PlatformLondon Mar 7

Read ‘Open letter from the Wretched of the Earth’ about racism in UK climate movement  @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

Civil society groups working on climate and migration under lots of pressure because of ideologically enforced cuts @metaceptive

Need to get away from language of genuine refugees and not genuine. Their all human beings says #ZitaHolbourne @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

Need more nuanced analysis of links between climate, war, economic injustice on migration. People just trying to live, says #ZitaHolbourne

UK migrants aren’t even called migrants, they’re ex-pats! #ZitaHolbourne @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

Ideas of loss and damage, reparations need to come in, in regard to climate justice. @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

Slow onset climate change, disaster climate change – differing implications for climate justice? @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

Question: “What kind of lives do we want migrants & refugees to have (when they arrive)?” Read this:  @metaceptive

Interesting! @DFID_UK initially not interested in ‘climate refugees’ as they saw term as demonising says Richard Black. @metaceptive

> Kajal Nisha Patel ‏@KajalNP Mar 7
> Excellent discussion live with @PlatformLondon @Metaceptive & @KoojChuhan

War, climate change, resource exploitation – interconnect to refugees and migration. Syrian refugees before the war for example @metaceptive

We must counter the rise of the far right re. migrants, refugees, climate change. We must link it up says #ZitaHolbourne @metaceptive

Large numbers of Calais refugees from areas impacted by extreme climate change says #ZitaHolbourne @metaceptive

Climate change, migration, anti-racism to be brought together in Trades Union movement in UK, Look at issues together says #ZitaHolbourne

Western elites can’t cope with climate crisis so we displace onto the climate migrant. Provocation. Discuss @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

Academics working with artists and activists – an integrated approach was so important. Different languages brought together @metaceptive

As artists, how can we think of other ways of communicating beyond the numbing and stereotypical imagery @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

As artists it’s our responsibility to communicate in ways people can understand @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

Feminism, gender, militarism, border zones and how they operate in climate and migration @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

Who has the power to define the terms of the debate? the types of knowledge that’s considered legitimate @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

“Geopolitics of Fear” – climate and migration in respect of India and Bangladesh @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

climate change and migration now being theorised in new ways… and with decolonial theory @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon

extraordinary photographs of climate and migration by @shahidul @KingsCollegeLon @metaceptive

“art helps us lose the separation between the issue and us” #climatechange @metaceptive @KingsCollegeLon


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