Making Climate Connections

Can words, pictures and social media empower people to protect our environment?
A project exploring some ways in which local libraries, communities and artists in Oldham and Bremen are making climate connections using educative methods and creative media.

Making Climate Connections

An online event Weds 19th May, 6.30pm (UK) / 7.30pm (Germany)

  • Announcing the winning entries from the Climate Connections competition
  • Presenting the work produced by diverse groups in Oldham (UK) and Bremen (Germany) in the first phase of the Climate Connections project

How do local people relate to and voice their feelings about climate change? Can this expression combine with social media to have some impact on climate change? This event brings together artists, activists, libraries and community members to explore these questions. If you are interested in communities and climate change, also the arts and social media, then this informal sharing event is for you.

The Climate Connections project has begun working with three Lifelong Learning groups in Oldham, Arabischer Frauenbund (Bremen) and Fatima Muslim Women’s Association (Oldham). They have been relating the effects of global warming to their own lives and created words and pictures for use on social media and for digital exhibition in libraries.

The Making Climate Connections event will include contributions from the groups in the UK and Germany; library officers from Oldham, Bremen and Hamburg; researcher Alex Randall from Climate Outreach; commissioned artists Murad Chowdhury, EmmanuelaYogolelo and Sarah Yaseen; artistic producer Kooj Chuhan; and competition winners. This packed one-hour event will have full English-German interpretation, provided by the highly proficient Nancy Chapple. There will also be the opportunity for questions to the panel afterwards.

Register your place below
or go to

The event will take place online using Zoom. We will email all who have registered about how to join the online event, earlier on the same day.

This is a project by Crossing Footprints for Oldham Libraries, in partnership with Community Arts North West and with libraries in Bremen and Hamburg in Germany. Additional partners in the project are Greater Manchester Libraries of Sanctuary. Financially supported by Arts Council England and CILIP.

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