Creative Award for Powerhouse Portraits Project

Back in May, the Powerhouse Portraits project was nominated for the Spirit Of Manchester awards 2024, in the category for ‘Creative Community Spirit’. The nominated group was the partnership between the three organisations which collaborated to produce and deliver the project – Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse, Segment Arts and Crossing Footprints, and in June we were notified that we’d been shortlisted.

Image of group with winning the Award for Powerhouse Portraits
Our group winning the Spirit Of Manchester 2024 award in the category for ‘Creative Community’ presented to us by Julian Skyrme Director of Social Responsibility at Manchester University and the Mayor of Manchester Councillor Paul Andrews

This was an amazing project where local people created a community portrait of Moss Side at the vibrant Powerhouse community centre, through workshops in photography, writing and magazine making. Involving 45 local people using 100 film cameras through 18 workshops. We created a vibrant photography, creative writing and art exhibition. Also produced and distributed 300 copies of a 100-page full colour professional A4 publication.

Full details of the project at .

Creative Community Spirit award for Powerhouse Portraits

Image montage: Our group sat at a table, the certificate, and the award for Powerhouse Portraits

The awards ceremony was held on 3rd October 2024 The Sheridan in Manchester, and we were thrilled to be voted the winner of the ‘Creative Community Spirit’ award. Big thanks especially to the visionary Leo Macdonald Oulds for artistically leading and directing the project, and Kooj Chuhan for the producing and management. Credits also to Lesa Dryburgh for her amazing PR work, First Cut media with Tony Reeves for documenting, Ian Johns for his photography and workshops, and Nasima Bee for the great writing workshops (via Shirley May at Young Identity). And not forgetting our special guest at the exhibition launch, local peace activist Professor Erinma Bell MBE DL JP. Well done to all who made this happen, delivered the project and participated in it to make it such a great project – full details of the awards at .

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Migration Stories Exhibition

A history of migration in and out of North West England told through 100 stories from Roman times to the present day – the Migration Stories North West pop-up exhibition.

PREVIEW AND LAUNCH: 4pm – 7pm, Wednesday 2nd October 2024, with speakers from the project and light refreshments.

Exhibition on show Thursday 3rd October to Friday 8th November 2024
at Manchester Histories Hub, lower ground floor, Manchester Central Library, St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD

Explore the region’s long history of migration and ways in which it has shaped and continues to shape our social landscape. Browse the stories of individual women, men and children arriving in and leaving the North West from and to other parts of the British Isles and other parts of the world. Find out how their journeys were driven by conflict, colonialism and trade, as well as in search of work, educational opportunities or a better life.

Image for the Migration Stories Exhibition

This ‘pop-up’ exhibition includes an interactive screen through which to browse the stories, and is touring across the North West of England. At this showing in Manchester Central Library there will also be a display about the Greater Manchester section of the project, including a set of panels illustrating the set of stories produced by the volunteer researchers from Year 1 of the project and an additional panel by pupils and staff from The Derby High School in Bury dedicated to the stories which they researched.

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Workshops in photography, writing and magazine making to create a community portrait of Moss Side – that’s Powerhouse Portraits!

Powerhouse Portraits - flyer front

Crossing Footprints are proud to be partners in developing and producing Powerhouse Portraits. Anyone local can join the Powerhouse Portraits Project and be part of a group creating a community portrait of and around Moss Side, have your work featured in a vibrant magazine and exhibition, also create your own photo album to take home. A set of 6 free workshops for young people aged from 13 years up to 18 years or so, living around or near the Moss Side area. Beginning on 23rd May the workshops take place every Tuesday 5pm-7pm at Powerhouse Community Centre and Library, 140 Raby Street, Moss Side M14 4SL.

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Climate Connections Women’s Group in Oldham

Translation of title in Bengali - Climate Connections Women's Group at Northmoor Library

Climate Connections Women’s Group
at Northmoor Library

Every Monday 10am-12noon from 7th November 2022

Social media flyer for the activities - Climate Connections Women's Group at Northmoor Library

Education, Arts and Action against Climate Change

with Jesmin Chowdhury from Ayna Arts

  • Meet  other women
  • Learn about climate change
  • Use your skills
  • Improve your English
  • Make something creative and artistic
Some things we hope to support:
  • improve buses and transport
  • reduce air pollution
  • have less litter on our streets
  • help for Bangladesh
  • influence local officials

FREE – refreshments will be provided
Northmoor Library, Chadderton Way, Oldham OL9 6DH

Climate Connections Women’s Group at Northmoor Library is organised by Crossing Footprints in partnership with Hope For The Future, Ayna Arts and Oldham Libraries

Training to Fight Climate Change


at Northmoor Library, Chadderton Way, Oldham OL9 6DH.

Monday 3rd October, 12-2pm:
by Kooj Chuhan
• Understanding Climate Change
• How does it affect Bangladesh and the UK?
• What we can do about it?

Monday 10th October, 12-2pm:
by Arran Rangi
• Can we push our Council to do more to fight Climate Change?
• What are they doing already?
• What more should they do?

All welcome, lunch provided!
If you know people who live in the area please pass on this training to fight climate change or tell them about it.
Organised by Oldham Libraries in partnership with Crossing Footprints and Hope For The Future,with support from the Community Fund (National Lottery).

Making Climate Connections

Can words, pictures and social media empower people to protect our environment?
A project exploring some ways in which local libraries, communities and artists in Oldham and Bremen are making climate connections using educative methods and creative media.

Making Climate Connections

An online event Weds 19th May, 6.30pm (UK) / 7.30pm (Germany)

  • Announcing the winning entries from the Climate Connections competition
  • Presenting the work produced by diverse groups in Oldham (UK) and Bremen (Germany) in the first phase of the Climate Connections project

How do local people relate to and voice their feelings about climate change? Can this expression combine with social media to have some impact on climate change? This event brings together artists, activists, libraries and community members to explore these questions. If you are interested in communities and climate change, also the arts and social media, then this informal sharing event is for you.

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MINI-CONFERENCE World War I’s Hidden Voices and Poppy Retake exhibition

World War I’s Hidden Voices MINI-CONFERENCE
Saturday 10th February 2018, 1pm – 4.30pm
at Manchester Central Library (First Floor), St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD, UK    Tel. +44 (0)161 234 1983

Registration is strongly advised and completely FREE at

India, Africa, the West Indies, colonialism and recruitment, the impacts of war and our ongoing culture of war explored in a free afternoon conference.

Saturday 10th February 2018, 1pm – 4.30pm
at Manchester Central Library (First Floor), St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD, UK Tel. +44 (0)161 234 1983

This mini conference is a part of the ‘WWI’s Hidden Voices’ exhibition offering an afternoon of presentations and discussions offering the most critical perspectives on World War I in any current public forum. The speakers will expose the full extent of involvement from the British colonies in World War I, the impact the war had on those regions, its legacy for those countries and cultural representation of the war. Sessions include:

The West Indies join the War by Washington Alcott
Women’s Perspectives from East Africa by Susan Chieni Cookson
Cultural Representation of World War One and other wars by Kooj Chuhan
Teaching Hidden Histories in Schools by Dipali Das
Community Research from a ‘Southern’ Perspective by Southern Voices Continue reading

Video Preview for Manchester World War I’s Hidden Voices incl. The Poppy Retake

‘The Poppy Retake’ video art installation by Kuljit ‘Kooj’ Chuhan is the focus for a new short film about the upcoming Manchester World War I exhibition titled World War I’s Hidden Voices which launches on Weds 6th December 2017 at the amazing Central Library building in the heart of Manchester.

‘The Poppy Retake’ is partnering with the extensive ‘From The Shadows Of War And Empire’ set of educational graphic panels by Southern Voices to create the exhibition, which runs from 7th December 2017 – 24th February 2018.  Key details below: Continue reading

The Gift Of India poem by Sarojini Naidu

Rani will dramatise a reading of the poem by Sarojini Naidu

Rani Moorthy

At the exhibition launch of World War I’s Hidden Voices (6th December – CLICK HERE TO REGISTER) the Manchester actress Rani Moorthy will perform a dramatised reading of a powerful poem reflecting on the effects of the First World War from an Indian and colonised country perspective.  She will be accompanied by musician Jaydev Mistry and also VJ projections by Kuljit ‘Kooj’ Chuhan.  The poem is by Sarojini Naidu and is titled The Gift Of India, written in 1915 while the war was ravaging.

The exhibition features The Poppy Retake art installation by Kooj Chuhan, the launch event will be on Weds 6th December from 5.30pm and the performance and speakers begin at 6.30pm.  More information at .  The event is free but registration is strongly advised at .  #poppyretake

About Sarojini Naidu

Sarojini Naidu was a distinguished poet, renowned freedom fighter and one of the great orators of her time.  She was famously known as Bharatiya Kokila (The Nightingale of India) and was a prolific poet with over three books of published poems, highly praised by Rabindranath Tagore.  Sarojini Naidu was the first Indian woman to become the President of the Indian National Congress and the first woman to become the governor of a state in India. Continue reading

World War One’s Hidden Voices: documentary and art in two parallel exhibitions

India, Africa, the West Indies, colonialism and recruitment, impacts of war and our ongoing culture of war explored in two parallel exhibitions under the title World War One’s Hidden Voices

World War One's Hidden Voices
The Poppy Retake (v3)
by Kooj Chuhan // From the Shadows of War and Empire by Southern Voices // #poppyretake

On show 7th December 2017 – 24th February 2018
at Manchester Central Library
(First Floor), St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD, UK // Opening times 9am-8pm Mon-Thurs and 9am-5pm Fri-Sat (Sunday closed) Tel. +44 (0)161 234 1983

OPENING NIGHT – 6th December 2017 5.30pm-7.30pm
including speakers Ahmed El-Hassan (Southern Voices) and Colette Williams (Mbari), plus live performance from Jaydev Mistry (music), Rani Moorthy (dramatised readings) and Kuljit ‘Kooj’ Chuhan (VJ projection) // First Floor exhibition from 5.30pm, then speakers and performance from 6.30pm on Ground Floor
Booking for this free event is strongly advised:

MINI-CONFERENCE – 10th February 2018
thought-provoking talks, workshops, films and discussion for World War One’s Hidden Voices – full details to be announced

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The Poppy RetakeTHE POPPY RETAKE (v3)

…colonial narratives, spirits from the dead and video war games…

video art installation by Kooj (Kuljit Singh Chuhan) – new version

Modern war propaganda began with World War I which obscured its pointlessness and deep colonial connections, while pretending to be the ‘war to end all wars’. This artwork explores coercion into war, involving an African woman working for a war-themed park. She finds herself caught between colonial narratives, spirits from the dead and video war games.

Since the end of WWI we have seen numerous wars with the majority in regions once colonised. Modern video gaming is now the epitome of obscuring both the horror and the colonial roots of much conflict. The Poppy Retake suggests our multiple connections with wars as forms of cultural recruitment but which impact mostly on people from ex-colonies. It extends the perspectives developed in the documentary exhibition ‘From The Shadows Of War and Empire’. Continue reading