Workshops in photography, writing and magazine making to create a community portrait of Moss Side – that’s Powerhouse Portraits!

Powerhouse Portraits - flyer front

Crossing Footprints are proud to be partners in developing and producing Powerhouse Portraits. Anyone local can join the Powerhouse Portraits Project and be part of a group creating a community portrait of and around Moss Side, have your work featured in a vibrant magazine and exhibition, also create your own photo album to take home. A set of 6 free workshops for young people aged from 13 years up to 18 years or so, living around or near the Moss Side area. Beginning on 23rd May the workshops take place every Tuesday 5pm-7pm at Powerhouse Community Centre and Library, 140 Raby Street, Moss Side M14 4SL.

The workshops are led by visual artist Leo Macdonald-Oulds from Segment Arts, writer Nasima Bee from Young Identity, artist and photographer Ian Johns from First Cut Media and co-produced by digital artist Kooj Chuhan from Crossing Footprints. This is a fantastic opportunity to create something special that will have both artistic and community value for years to come. If you are interested, please sign up via our Eventbrite page at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/powerhouse-portraits-project-1318-year-olds-tickets-626925921307

The set of workshops are repeated for two other age ranges, firstly 8-12 years on Mondays after school and older adults / seniors on Tuesday afternoon. This will create an intergenerational portrayal for the final exhibition and magazine. More details at https://segmentarts.org/ or contact us at segmentarts@gmail.com . Also there’s more info and a photo gallery of the workshops on this website at https://crossingfootprints.com/moss-side-powerhouse-portraits/ .

Powerhouse Portraits - flyer back

Here’s a photo of artist and photographer Ian Johns who is delivering some of the workshop activity, this was taken by one of the participants using a Kodak disposable camera during a workshop:

The other two artists are Leo Macdonald-Oulds (visual artist / project director) and Nasima Bee (from Young Identity Writers and is leading on the creative writing workshops):

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