EVENT: Linking climate change with migration Film screening and panel discussion

Mon 7th March 2016, at 6.30pm.
Room K2.31 Nash Lecture Theatre, 2nd Floor, King’s Building, King’s College, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
To attend please register at http://linking-climate-change-with-migration.eventbrite.co.uk/

Crossing Footprints - Linking Climate Change with MigrationIs the devastation of our climate forcing increased migration and is it projected to worsen in the future?

A new film shows how recent research has strengthened our understanding of this enormously, and how artists have begun to articulate this in human terms. In stark contrast virtually no mention was made of migration in the Paris climate summit agreements.  A leading panel explores the underlying issues and asks whether and how migration should be made more visible across public and policy agendas on climate change?

The film screening and panel discussion event includes speakers:

Richard Black, leading scholar at SOAS on migration in the context of climate change
Zita Holbourne, community, union and human rights activist, writer, artist and curator; co-founder of Black Activists Rising Against Cuts
Andrew Baldwin, chair of international Climate Change and Migration research network based at Durham University
Alex Randall, UK Climate Change and Migration Coalition
Kooj Chuhan, artist, filmmaker and curator of the ‘Footprint Modulation’ exhibition exploring climate migration and justice

+ Public launch and screening of the film ‘Crossing Footprints: Human Migration and the Environment’ by Kooj Chuhan / Metaceptive Media

Chaired by Dr Helen Adams, researcher on human interactions with environmental change at Kings College

VENUE: Room K2.31 Nash Lecture Theatre, 2nd Floor, King’s Building, King’s College, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
MAP: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/campuslife/campuses/strand/Strand.aspx  tel: 020 7836 5454

This event is FREE to attend. REGISTER to confirm your attendance at: http://linking-climate-change-with-migration.eventbrite.co.uk/

Please share the event on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1681901928757452/

Organised by Dr Andrew Baldwin and Kooj Chuhan in partnership with UKCCMC, the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (Durham University) and the Centre for Integrated Research on Risk and Resilience (King’s College London)



Event Flyer:


Crossing Footprints - Linking Climate Change with Migration (Flyer)


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